Spokane County Parks, Recreation and Golf Dept. has been successfully awarded a NOVA
Education and Enforcement Grant through the State of Washington Recreation and
Conservation Office (RCO). Project number: 22-2187E, approval date 06/28/2023. Project
Benefit, which is combination of project sponsor contributions and the RCO dollars totals
$326,671. Project start date for this grant was 11/01/2023 with an agreement end date of
This grant will fund two seasonal employees to be hired by Spokane County Parks each
working six-month positions for two years with a job title of Park Education Aide. Grant funding
will provide support resources for the Park Aides including vehicles, fuel, uniforms, cell phones,
computers, training, and other educational support items such as maps, consumer videos and
The match sources for this grant comes from both Spokane County Parks and local volunteers
including local equestrian and mountain biking groups and is in the form of money donations,
volunteer labor, animal or stock use, equipment like horse trailers and park ranger time and
vehicle use. In-field hours leveraged through this grant include 1,950 park ranger hours, 250
Evergreen Mountain Bike Community hours and 832 Equestrian Mounted patrol hours.
The 832 equestrian hours will hopefully turn out to be about 104 outings on Spokane County
Park NOVA eligible properties over the two-year grant cycle, with peak outings occurring
between April and October each year. The NOVA properties list includes Antoine Peak, Liberty
Lake, Feryn Ranch, Haynes, Hauser, Slavin, McKenzie, Newman Lake, McLellan off of South
Bank, Mica Peak and Saltese.
Contact us: website@spokanemountedpatrol.org